![Binchou-tan Cover](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/10/61143.webp)
7.07 (5.5 thousand reviews)
- English: -
- Synonyms: Binchotan
- Japanese: -
- Type: TV
- Source: Manga
- Status: Finished Airing
- Season: winter 2006
- Episodes: 12
- Duration: 12 min per ep
- Genres: Slice of Life
- Rating: G - All Ages
- Studio: Studio Deen
This is a story about a little girl who lives in an old house in the mountains. Her name is Bincho-tan. Each episode depicts a day in the life of Bincho-tan as she prepares her breakfast in the morning, goes to the forest to gather vegetables, does her household chores and rests at night after a day's work. She is surrounded by a group of close friends who add color to her ordinary yet simple life.