![Avenger Cover](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/13/19921.webp)
5.86 (7.3 thousand reviews)
- English: -
- Synonyms:
- Japanese: -
- Type: TV
- Source: Original
- Status: Finished Airing
- Season: fall 2003
- Episodes: 13
- Duration: 23 min per ep
- Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
- Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
- Studio: Bee Train
Mars has been colonized and is a world where children have been replaced by robot servants known as "dolls." Layla is a skilled fighter with a tragic past who travels about the world. Her companions are Nei, a strange and unique doll with some unknown ties to Layla, and Speedy, who is a doll breeder. The founders of Mars see the trio as a threat to their world, and each time they attack Layla and Nei a bit more of their mysterious past and future is revealed.