![Love♥Love? Cover](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/10/75454.webp)
5.83 (10 thousand reviews)
- English: Love♥Love?
- Synonyms:
- Japanese: -
- Type: TV
- Source: Original
- Status: Finished Airing
- Season: spring 2004
- Episodes: 9
- Duration: 14 min per ep
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Ecchi
- Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity
- Studio: ImaginStudio Live
Naoto Ooizumi is the writer of the CosPrayers TV show, although this is a secret known only to the producer of the show, Mitsuki Ikuta. He has a crush on one of the actresses in the show, Natsumi Yagami. As the show proceeds so does their relationship, with many wacky twists and turns along the way. (Source: ANN)